It seems that the beginning is the hardest. I mean you want to start out right, right? I've been wanting to start a blog for quite a while, but just haven't gotten down to it. Probably the perfectionist in me never finding the perfect time or the perfect single thing to start talking about... or the procrastinator in me. I mean there are so many OTHER things I could be and should be doing especially with baby number 2 (a boy -Joey) arriving in a couple more months, but here it is, finally (my blog friends say).
I figured this was a good day to start because it is the eve of my 1st child's birth. Jack's 3rd birthday is tomorrow. He's the light of my life and the biggest challenge of my life. Isn't that how it goes? That the best things in life are the most challenging? The most rewarding things in life are also sometimes the most painful? Speaking of painful, a few hours from now will mark the 3 year anniversary of when we went to the hospital to have Jack. We'll just say he started out challenging right away since he wasn't delivered till 6:30pm the next day.
This sort of brings me to the other reason I've been wanting to start a blog. I'm pregnant with my 2nd child due June 8th. I'm unbelievably excited about his arrival, really I am, though there are days where my almost-3 year old is all I can manage (or not manage) so the image of adding a baby to the mix is a bit terrifying or at a minimum exhausting. Which pregnancy right now is exhausting anyways sooooo I have a head start I guess. Anyway it would have been nice to have a blog as a pregnancy log early on, but well, better late than never. I am convinced the delivery of this next baby will be a breeze compared to Jack. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself. The Dr. said it most likely will since, ya know, the way has been paved (he used much more technical and graphic terms I won't subject you to). John (DH -or dear husband) and I joke that when it comes time I'll just grunt once and Joey will be here. That sound much better than the 3.5 hours of pushing that it took to bring Jack into our lives. Like I said he's a challenge, but has been so worth it. At least most days :) (No wait, I'll say "worth it at least most hours." When the day is at an end and the rewarding times and challenging times come to a close and weigh against each other, he is definitely worth it every day. Or maybe I'm just extra sentimental because it's his birthday tomorrow!)
Well one thing you'll learn about me if you follow my blog is that brevity is not my strong suit. I talk a lot. I write a lot. I explain a lot (heck 15 minutes ago this was shorter but I just went back and added a bunch of stuff). BUT because in the image of wanting to actually just get my blog going and not allow the perfectionist procrastinator to dominate any more I'm going to stop here. Just don't expect many, if any, future entries to be this short. And yes... this was short.
- Mary Jo
Why I am not a hypocrite
10 years ago