Well, yes
I'm tired (I mean duh, I have 2 month old and a 3 year old) and it's Tuesday but that's not why I'm calling this blog post Tired Tuesday. I wanted to share some fun sleeping pictures and memories!
First you gotta start with a good yawn, complements of Joey -
And then look at sleep positions...these 2 pictures just happened to be side by side in my camera. And if I snuck in and took a picture of their daddy late at night I'd most likely get the same shot (I get poked with those elbows regularly!)
And then of course the infamous picture of Jack creatively falling asleep mid-story telling during quiet time. Yes, that is a stool on his head and he IS hugging a bus... you can just imagine the story line! He must have had to stop a moment to think of the next scene when he dozed off.

Since Jack doesn't nap very often any more we do quiet time instead of nap time where he brings toys into his bed - usually various characters from a favorite movie and he recreates it in dramatic, loud (there by negating the idea of quiet time but oh well) detail scene by scene.... and no my son does NOT watch to much tv! LOL)
One of the sweetest sleep things lately for me is that Joey loves to fall asleep propped up on my chest. Here's Joey, not even 2 weeks old yet asleep on me.

I love when he does this! I think part of why I love it so much is that I remind myself (even in the middle of the night, OK especially in the middle of the night) that Joey is my last baby, that I will never hold a baby so small that is mine again. And the other reason I love propping him up and snuggling him, asleep or not, is that Jack would never let us do this. Seriously, when you'd prop him up to burp him as a baby he'd start kicking and squirming like crazy, basically climbing you. So we had to burp him like this...
And because when I dug up this picture of Jack I was shocked, again, at how much my boys look/ed alike as babies... I had to stray from the topic and share one of Joey at about the same age from a couple days ago.