Too Smart!
I was really struggling with Jack in the weeks before Christmas. Just a lot of defiance, not listening, back talking, etc. Well after a long spout of it as we were trying to get out of the house I finally said to him, "Jack I'm concerned because Santa doesn't bring presents to kids who don't listen and I'm worried that you aren't listening very well lately." His response without missing a beat was... "Well Santa doesn't bring presents to mommy's who yell either!" I actually had to ask him to repeat himself I was so surprised! My friend Melody suggested that I start saving money now because law school is expensive.
Young at Heart
The BEST thing I heard all of last year, other than the healthy arrival of Baby Joey, was the wonderful news that my parents want to move out here. It's amazing news and we are so excited! This winter we've begun the process of shopping for a townhome for them (John calls it my part-time job). Well after one of the 1st big trips out here to see a number of properties we were discussing the issue of stairs or no stairs, split level vs. one level, etc. and the reality of what fits in their price range and what doesn't. I had been trying to encourage them to consider one level townhomes but it means giving up some space and other things that they are use to. Some of what I was saying finally started to sink in when my dad said he'd had an aha! moment early one morning. He said he realized he can buy a home for 5 years with stairs and probably need to move or buy a home long term for like 10 years. Then he said "Because, well in 10 years I'll be old! I'll be 88 years old then!" I love that he doesn't think 78 is old :)
Don't Ask!
We went in to get professional photos before Christmas at Kiddie Kandids (now bankrupt!). We wanted a family photo and a brothers photo as Christmas presents for people. Jack had been real patient (for a 3.5 year old) but was getting a bit spent. We were trying to get some more brothers shots with Joey sitting on his lap on the ground. The photographer had adjusted and readjusted a wiggly Joey on Jack's lap several times. All of a sudden Jack started to fuss and look uncomfortable. She asked "Are you uncomfortable sweetie?" And Jack responded "Oowwwwoohhh my p.e.n.i.s is big and it hurts!" The poor woman looked like she was going to fall over! LOL life with boys... this.... is... my... life! Seriously what is up with that THING? What the heck was God thinking? (OK I did just type out the P word funny... I really don't want to know what kind of visitors I'd get from google with that word spelled out normally and the word BIG next to it!)

I want in!
Well, technically Joey can't talk but I think this is what he's thinking in the picture below. Joey is pulling up to standing already. It's crazy in part because it seems really early and also because, not surprisingly, he has NO ability to hold himself up or balance so he's constantly falling over and smacking his big 'ole head! Anyway, Joey loves watching Jack play in the bath tub which inspired his first time pulling all the way up to standing vs. just on his knees. In this picture I'm pretty sure he's saying "I want in!" This was taken about 2 weeks ago and he's much more steady on his feet now as seen in the 2nd picture.... though if you look closely you can see a few marks on his head from recent adventures. We've all nicknamed him trouble!
Dis Day?!
The days leading up to Christmas and, just as importantly to Jack, "little grandma's" arrival, Jack would frequently ask to count the days down on the calendar. Time is such a hard concept for small children! Anyway, when Jack woke up on the day when my parents (little grandma and grandpa) were to arrive, I told Jack "Guess what! Little grandma and grandpa come later today!" And his response was exclaimed with such great excitement and disbelieve "This day?! Dis day?! They are coming dis day!!!" His excitement was just so fun to see. My mom and Jack have the most amazing relationship and connection. It's such a blessing to both of them as you can see from this picture below.