OK, sorry, not THAT baby yet, but my 1st baby. Seriously I don’t know if it’s just hormones or knowing that a real baby will be arriving soon, but I’m just overwhelmed these days at how grown up my 1st baby really is. I feel a bit ambushed. I mean I look at him and just can’t believe he is such a little big boy now. Oh don’t get me wrong, we are having those 3 year old moments too that remind parents very clearly how NOT grown up these little people are, but who he is now just shocks me sometimes.
I spend my day with someone that is such a real person all of a sudden, such a personality. He has always been such a highly emotional child which has brought many challenges, but now it’s like I’m getting the benefits too at a new level. The special hugs, touches, I love you’s throughout the day and I missed you “berry much” after only 2.5 hours of preschool. And overall I feel like a switch has turned on – a switch where he shares his thoughts, musings, observations, opinions (not just in a yelling 3 year old way either), and emotions at such a new level… I just feel blessed and amazed at who he is, who he is becoming every day. OK and I’m probably hormonal and very pregnantly aware of how it will all change shortly when my 2nd baby arrives any day now. Oh, I’m going to let Jackie grow-up as he wants to and needs to but he will always be my 1st baby, my 1st “best buddy”. Of
course I’ll let him grow up because it is so abundantly clear to me that this is my absolute favorite age so far. But now suddenly when I go in and check on him at night before I go to bed, straighten him out in his big boy bed so he isn't sideways or sleeping on top of 5 stuffed buddies, stroke his hair, give him a gentle kiss and then another, I look at him and it just pierces my heart –so sweet, so precious, so mine.
Awww...Mary Jo! Stop making me cry! Those pictures are just precious. I can't believe how old and precious our kids are. :)
I am not pregnant and you have made me all mushy! I remember have those feelings right before Nicholas was born and then again when Andrew was coming.....I can tell you that each age has its +'s and it gets better every year. Wait till you see the love Jack shows for his baby brother that will melt you even more!
that was so great!!! i am having so much fun with this age too. i feel like everytime there is a "rough" age, the next stage they get to more than makes up for it. jack is going to be a great big brother, and soon you will have 2 perfect boys that will give you double the hugs and kisses!!!
Awww! MJ this was such a sweet sweet post. I bet little Joey is here by now! Hugs!
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