Well the title might give you an idea of what I'm struggling with here! (And nice 1st blog entry to do in over a month, huh?!) We have a great month or so with Jack and then all of a sudden he's extremely emotional and, well, crazy! I guess 3 year olds are just like that in general sometimes and then you add in the fact that he's super emotional and kind of a control freak and it makes for a mess. And the fact that I'm emotional and a bit of a control freak too doesn't help I'm sure.
Anyway he's hyper obsessive right now about all his characters in movies. When he watches one of his favorites he has to line up the characters perfectly for each scene. And I don't mean Woody needs to stand next to Slink the Dog (which is a tractor with a long trailer here...genius). I mean the snake and shark need to be in their perfect places too. What you say? There is a snake and a shark in Toy Story? Yep for about 30 seconds total. So Jack either has us stop the movie every 30 seconds (not happening) or cries and throws a fit that everyone isn't in their place. So needless to say a few movies have been put in time out for a while here... as well as Jack. I mean this is all funny when you aren't in the throws of it... and yet sometimes it's not. Sometimes it scares a momma.
I have seriously looked at him a few times lately and thought "What is wrong with him? He's psychotic?!" And then of course.... I wonder if he has OCD or something. Which he doesn't, not according to the description but man that kid is OBSESSED about things being just right! It has gotten a little bit better since we've put movies in time out and laid down the law more with it (as in throw a fit about something like this and you get put in your bed) but still it is sometimes scary. I'm sure (ok hope) that it's a combo of his intense temperament and him being just 3.
It's also the time where I need to remind myself about the benefits of him being such an intense and emotional child. For example I get these amazing hugs and I love yous all the time. It's so sweet to drop him off at school and have him run back to be before I leave to give me a big hug and say "I love you mommy" or his latest "You're the sweetest mommy." Or when I pick him up he comes running across the room like he hasn't seen me for days and does the same. And as far as his intensity goes, well he can get caught up in telling his stories and be focused on them on his own for over an hour... it's amazing to see how focused and independent he can be. I'm sure it will serve him well in adulthood... if he makes it there :)
So I'm reminding myself of these things and trying to not freak out about my son's constant freak outs right now. Yeah, we are just 2 peas in a pod aren't we? Actually make that 3 with our drooling happy companion, Joey, who is always entertained by whatever his brother does!
Why I am not a hypocrite
10 years ago
Sigh...Andrew used to be this bad, maybe a year ago, but he's loosened up some, thankfully. I think it's just Jack's personality and part of him will always like things organized. But I do understand how aggravating it can be!
I've noticed a lot more controlling behavior in Cooper the last few months, too. I read an article about 3 and 4-year-olds once that talked all about this behavior so it hasn't bothered me too much, but it is definitely FRUSTRATING, especially when they're being irrational. Which is like every time he freaks out about something.
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