I thought for Mother's Day it would be fun to share the bedtime story, a true story, that I tell Jackie every night. He curls up in my lap in his bed and I tell this story: (all italicized words are usually said by Jack)
Once upon a time there was a man names
John and a woman named
Mary Jo and there last name was
stinky pot of water! (or some other made up word) Well, they met and fell in love and decided to get married. After a while they decided they wanted to have a family so they got a little tiny baby in mommy's tummy. That baby grew bigger and bigger and bigger until he was ready to come out and live with mommy and daddy.
They went to the hospital and after a while ppbbt out came the baby and the baby cried
waah! The dr. said "It's a boy!"
And mommy said "Give me my Baby Jack!" And they put Baby Jack on mommy's chest and she covered him with a blanket. Mommy snuggled that baby, looked at him and knew he would be her little boy forever and ever.
Mommy and new Baby Jack stayed that way for a long time until the nurse came in and said "We need to take that baby and put a diaper and some clothes on him." But when they pulled the blanket back and picked up the baby they found that the baby had POOPED ALL OVER HIS MOMMY! Icky poopy!
But that mommy said "Oh that stinky baby, but he's my baby and I'll always love him no matter what."
So mommy and daddy took that stinky baby Jack home. After a while he grew bigger and bigger and soon began to walk and talk and run around and kick a ball. Baby Jack became a big boy so mommy and daddy thought he might like to have a little baby brother so they got another little tiny baby in mommy's tummy.
That baby grew bigger and bigger until he was so big in mommy's tummy that Jack could hardly fit on her lap anymore. Finally, he was so big it was time for him to come out and live with mommy, daddy and Jack. Little grandma and grandpa came to stay with Jack and mommy and daddy went to the hospital to have the baby. After a while ppbbt out came the baby and the baby cried
waah! And mommy said "Give me my baby Joey!"
So they set that Baby Joey on mommy's chest but before they could cover him up he PEE-PEED ALL OVER HIS MOMMY! And mommy said "Oh my stinky boys! The first baby pooped on me (insert Jackie sound affects) and the second one peed on me (sound affects again) but I still love my stinky boys and I always will no matter what!"